QuoteBB you seem hell bent on getting people to follow bad security practices these last few days.There are degrees of security one can follow before it starts becoming a hindrance. If one wants to stay as safe as possible as a vendor one should follow the advice of Pine and read the thread [Anonymity Masterclass] PGP Club and the War on Linkability: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=159758.msg1157414 However any vendor which rigidly follows these rules will have major restrictions on concepts and ideas they're able to follow, including this idea which would be unthinkable under those definitions.I understand you adhere to the principle Security Through Obscurity, while I do not. A good analogy for our differences is how GPG4win blocks any user from pasting a password while gpg4usb does not. GPG4win claims its safer but gpg4usb is a lot more practical.